MMO Cathodic Protection Anode Strip
MMO strip anodes are widely used in the cathodic protection of the outer bottom plates of storage tanks. The MMO
strip anodes are spot – welded with titanium conducting sheets at the intersection points to form an anode grid,
which is jointly buried in the sand cushion layer at the bottom of the storage tank.
Width (mm) | 厚さ(mm) | Length L (m) | 電流出力(mA/m) | 寿命(年) | アプリケーションシナリオ |
6.35 | 0.635 | 152 | 17 | 20 – 50 | Storage Tanks |
6.35 | 0.635 | 152 | 34 | 20 – 50 | Storage Tanks |
6.35 | 0.635 | 152 | 43 | 20 – 50 | Storage Tanks |
12.7 | 0.9 | 152 | 86 | 20 – 50 | Storage Tanks |
The titanium base material uses strips that meet the ASTM B265 Gr1 standard.
鉄(Fe) | 炭素(C) | 窒素(N) | 水素(H) | 酸素(O) | チタン(Ti) | その他 |
最大コンテンツ 0.20% | 0.08% | 0.03% | 0.02% | 0.18% | 残り | 0.40% |
コーティングシステム: ルテニウム - イリジウムコーティング
強化寿命試験規格: NACE TM0108 – 2008
In a 1mol/L Na₂SO₄ solution, the current density is 15000A/m²